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Council of Three [Council Members]

To keep the balance of Labyrinth City, the Council was created, consisting of the three different kinds of SkullBounds, skulldogs, skulldeers and skullowls. They are the leaders of the SkullBounds, and possess all the different SkullBound powers, although they are not as powerful with an individual power as a Skullbound with only that specific power, but when a Council Member uses all the Skullbound powers combined as one, they are mighty an powerful. Their life force comes directly from the main life force in the life force chamber. They are in charge of making all judgments for the members of the city. They tend to live longer than other Skullbounds. A Council Member has to work their way up to that rank, though it is usually MazeKeepers that advance to such a high status.

Skullbounds in the position


Stringer by GreasyFruit
Arif by Felis-Draconis


These are the Skullbounds that stand guard around the city and are trained to fight for it. They will give up their lives to protect the City. They also have the job of shifting the city mazes if an enemy were ever to invade, so they would become hopelessly lost. Each one holds a third of the key to the City. The key only works when the three are bound together. They can access the life force chamber that is kept in the center tower of the city. They also stand guard at the three different entrances to the city, but they are allowed to lave their post, since they can ask another trusted Skullbound to take their shift. Like the Council, their life force comes directly from the main life source.

Skullbounds in the position


Koin by EmberMuse
Oralie by flytedify


The Skullbounds that work in the Hallows, praying to their first Skullbound ancestors, and guarding the fragments of the star. Their jobs are very religious, and there are many rules when one wants to enter the Hallows. The SacredHolders are in charge of making sure no Skullbound violates the Hallows. SacredHolders are also sworn to silence, and can only communicate through their minds. (When RPing, you would wright what they are saying in italics if they're talking to another Skullbound, just to indicate they are speaking through their minds.)

Skullbounds in the position


Alayiah by Jayflop
Stella (Resistance) by Miztik


They steal the energy and warmth from fires on the surface world, and then bring it back to the city to be added to the City's life force. They have special fur/ feathers/ skin/ scales that are slicked with a flame retardant oil, so when collect the fire, they do not have to risk lighting themselves up. They have the responsibility of lighting the lanterns in Labyrinth City. Depending on their life force color, colors of their fire will be the same, which is why Labyrinth City is alight with rainbows of colors emanating from beautifully decorated lanterns. Since Labyrinth city is underground, there are many dangerous lava pockets, and it is a FireBinger's job to alert the WindSingers of this (read below for why), and they have the ability to swim through lava.

Skullbounds in the position


Cayden by AdderLovely
Sauda (Resistance) by foreverneon
Malach HaMavet (Resistance) by BaileyTrave
Nakmira by Ravynflight
Zasha by RazielTheFallen1


They rely on human electricity for their life force. They venture to the surface world, to steal the light and energy from human devices and add them to the City's life force. They are often the reason that humans have power outages and blown transformers. Sometimes they can stray to close to human homes and are forced to make a run for it if they are spotted. They tend to steal small, insignificant items from humans, but if they were caught, they would be in extreme trouble with the Council.

Skullbounds in the position


Church by DoctorCritical
Noiara by RainDemons
Caendli by Loxiv
Dico by SCARLUST123

Instead of stealing from the surface world, they take the shadows from Labyrinth city and bring them to the surface world. No matter how hard they try to rid the city of darkness, they have never fully succeeded. Skullbounds don't like the dark, but they are forced to live within the bowels of the earth which hardly supplies any light, so they create it with the life force which they distribute into various lanterns that line the city. It is a ShadowBinder's job to try to expel some of the shadows, but it is demanding work. They can also manipulate shadows, a bit like 'shadow puppets' but Skullbounds with born with this ability is very rare. It is only something a very old and experience Skullbound may have developed over the years.

Skullbounds in the position


Gemini by stray-thought


Wind constantly whistles through their skulls. They suck the air and wind from the surface world to bring back to Labyrinth City to supply them with breathable air and add it to the City's life force. They can manipulate wind in the surface world, though nothing too extreme. They cannot create tornadoes, cyclones, hurricanes or anything of the like. They can just move the wind in a way as to shift the clouds or send a breeze through the trees, but they must be careful not to call too much attention to themselves so that the humans might notice. When a Firebringer tells a WindSinger of the many lava pockets that flow through the undergrounds, WindSingers must blow them out, turning the lava into rock.

Skullbounds in the position


Aika Mandira by BaileyTrave
Carmella by InvaderLiz-TheCat


They bring water to Labyrinth City by calling to the underground rivers, making them shift the direction of their current to flow into the City’s water channels that cut their way between buildings and through City streets. Skullbounds do not need to eat or drink, but if they wish, they can, for they have been blessed with a digestive system that is completely functional, though unessential, and if they wish, they can drink water. A TideCaller's life force comes from the movement of the waves in rivers. They also occasionally have gills and fins to give them the ability to breathe underwater.

Skullbounds in the position


Rorick (Resistance) by bedheadd

Verrani (Resistance) by empiredog


Since the SkullBounds of the city can live for quite a long time, they often lose sense/ track of time, which is where the TimeWatchers come into play. Every year or so, they give the city a kind of ‘jolt’ that let’s the SkullBounds feel that they are aging. They work with TaleTellers (see below) to make Skullbounds remember their pasts if they grow too old too keep track of time. Everytime something falls into the clutches of time, for example, a metal rusts, a being dies, a plant withers or a house collapses of old age, TimeWatchers gain more energy for their life force. TimeWatchers are also very in-tune with the beat of the earth and can focus on a single heartbeat at any time because of it's precise timing. TimeWatchers also tend to enjoy things that are orderly and precise.

Skullbounds in the position


Tempus Videns by TeachMeToLearn
Mitaki by SyncTheMutantJackal


Whenever a storm brews in the surface world, these StormCatchers venture outside the protection of their city and stay on the surface for the entire duration of the storm. They must steal the lightning’s energy and bring it back to the city to be added to the City's life force. They live a cursed life, for they always risk the danger of being hunted down by the power-hungry humans.

Skullbounds in the position


Azrael (Resistance) by DuskyFire
Coro-Servare by BendustKas
Kerri by L1lly-flow3rX
Arkah by purrcatory
Acrilllyc by Lunar-Imagination


These skullbounds are in charge of stabilizing the Labyrinth City if an earthquake was to strike. The city is very vulnerable to such things, and is prone to collapsing if the EarthShakers are not present. They also have the power to move solid rocks at their own will, but this forces them to exert a lot of energy, and can fatigue severely. Although they have the ability to stabilize the city, they cannot shift it or control the mazes and gate to the surface world like MazeKeepers can. Their life force comes from the energy that they absorb from the earthquakes, but because it is more of a physical energy, EarthShakers are more physical than spiritual. They use their powers to tunnel through their underground world, in search of gems and valuable metals to trade with CraftMakers. They must be careful of lava pockets though!

Skullbounds in the position


Argo by Shadokami


TaleTellers often work with TimeWatchers. Their job is to remember the ancient legends of the city and keep the stories alive. Some have been gifted with the ability to remember so far back, they often get lost in the past, and TimeKeepers must be at their sides quite often to keep their minds in the present. It is quite common for TimeWatchers and TaleTellers to become Spiritbounds. They feed off the energy that comes from memories, of any living being, including humans. They can tap into the memories of other Skullbounds, but only to a certain extent, for it can be painful for both the TaleTeller and the victim.

Skullbounds in the position


Kairos by AdoptionMotion


SoulSealers are Skullbounds that work in the Sanctuary. Their job is to mend injured Skullbounds. They are usually very delicate in appearance. They have the ability to manipulate the life force of the city itself, much like the Council can, to heal Skullbounds that are wounded both physically and emotionally. They get their life force by feeding off the pain and emotions of others.

Skullbounds in the position


Skia by painfulIy
Acel by FluffyMonstrosity


CraftMakers are the Skullbounds that make the Lanterns and trinkets for other Skullbounds to wear. They often have shops in Labyrinth city to sell their items. They are not allowed to sell human items, but, there are a fair few defiant Skullbounds that slip into the city sewers to sell the illegal items (the sewers is the home of Labyrinth City's Black Market).

Skullbounds in the position


Lillium by ipann
Zueyla by Frostbreeze67
Tala by :devdamy1342:
Lenka by RunrunMuffin


Seekers are young adolescent Skullbounds in training, learning a specific rank. To advance in a rank, they must prove to their two instructors that they are emotionally ready to advance to the next level, and must pass a test of courage, by staying out on the surface world for one whole night. If they return, they will be made a full Skullbound. They are assigned two different instructors of opposite personalities and different opinions, so that they will gain more experience.

Skullbounds in the position


Tsu by Tychea
Kimiki by HunterOfShadowz

The Resistance

Skullbounds who disagree with the ways of the Council and the Order. In secret, they conspire against their leaders, and murder Skullbounds who do not agreee with their ways. They are very secretive, and try not to make their organization known to the Council, otherwise they could banish them, strip them of their powers and leave them to die. Make sure when you create your character that you put in brackets what their ranks are besides being in the resistance.

Skullbounds in the position


Azrael (See above, a StormCatcher working for the Resistance)
Sauda (See above, a Firebringer working for the Resistance)
Stella (See above, a SacredHolder working for the Resistance)
Rorick (See above, a TideCaller working for the Resistance)
Carmella (See above, a WindSinger working for the Resistance)
Malach HaMavet (See above, a Firebringer working for the Resistance)
Verrani (See above, a TideCaller working for the Resistance)

Resistance Leader

Leader of the Resistance. Masterminds all the murders and conspiracies against the Council. Make sure when you create your character that you put in brackets what their rank is besides being in the resistance.

Skullbounds in the position


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Lunar-Imagination's avatar
I Have a StormCatcher: Aycryllic [link]